How to improve your website visibility?

You have web pages, but they don’t appear in your browser’s search results. This is a pretty common problem. It is often assumed that the marketing effort has been made once the website has been launched. Websites must be kept alive. They need updating from time to time, e.g. new content and internal and external linking.

How to do SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process that improves the website visibility in relation to competitors’ ones. Website visibility is affected by the technical functionality of the site, search engine optimized content, company brand awareness, and user personalization. Personalization can be increased, for example, through product suggestions and retargeted advertising to the user of the site. In this blog, we will focus on producing search engine optimized content.

What is search engine optimized content like?

It is worth thinking about what are the strategic customer groups. What kind of customers do you want to market the services to? Who are the potential customers? What kind of needs do they have?

On the other hand, what kind of needs do we have ourselves? What services do we want to provide? What kind of leads do we want to achieve? How are target groups informed about their own values and goals? How would organisations, unions and associations improve the recruitment of new members, for example? Based on these questions, you can already guess what kind of content should be on the website.

In addition to strategy and customer orientation, one of the goals of website design is the visibility of the pages, i.e. search engine optimized content. However, before producing content, you need to find the most common search terms, i.e. keywords.


How to find keywords that work?

Keywords are the very words that customers use to find a solution to their needs. So step into the customer’s shoes yourself and start googling the service you want to find and know about. This allows you to find the best keywords and the most common questions that customers have used when searching for the service.
Customer orientation, natural questions, keywords and linking enhance the findability of the website. Search engine optimised keywords are not just a list of words in the content, they are embedded in the titles and text. The main thing is the clarity and interest of the text from the customer’s point of view.
The most important keyword is the one around which the content is built. Other keywords, on the other hand, support the topic substantially. You can’t fool the search engine, so you shouldn’t overuse keywords. A good ratio is one keyword per 20 words. Services are also often sought with questions. Questions are great keywords. They can be used in content titles. From the keywords you can create the so-called keyword map to help write the rest of the content.

Keywords and content writing

Keyword lists are not yet content, but pages should provide customers with expert and interesting content. It must also be salesy and support the customer’s path to purchase. The website may contain, for example, product information about products, test results and customer quotes about the use of the product. The content of the services includes service descriptions, pictures, maps, customer stories and customer quotes about the service. The sites of organisations etc. provide members with relevant information on their activities.
Whose job, then, is it to produce content? You can entrust content creation to professionals if you don’t have the time and know-how to do so. The professional knows how to write clear, interesting and sales-promoting text. However, you are a service provider and know more about your services than an outsider. Therefore, you should participate in content production as an expert, and provide information and comment on content produced by an outsider.

What is the meta description?

The website is made more interesting by the meta description, i.e. the metatext, which appears as text that describes the content of the web page when the browser’s search results are listed. The aim of the description is to capture your interest and make you want to explore the site in more detail.
The role of meta description is significant, so it is worth investing in it. The description is written in a customer-oriented manner. Let’s think about what a potential customer wants to know and consider the answers to them. The more interesting the description, the more likely it is that the customer will click on the site.

Is your search engine optimization up to date? As digital marketing experts, we can improve the discoverability of your business website.

We get acquainted with the technical implementation of your company’s website and the optimization of services and keywords. We create an overall picture of the development project for you, what we do, how we proceed and what we achieve together.

Read also our previous blog, How do I produce meaningful content?

Want to know more about external links? You can check the MOZ website.

SEO trends 2021

Certain trends can be followed both in clothing and websites, but this time we will focus on websites and more specifically on search engine optimization (SEO) 2021 trends.

Mobile friendliness

Today, almost everyone owns a smartphone, which means that websites are also browsed a lot via the phone. In the spring of 2021, Google announced a new algorithm change that will rank mobile-friendly sites higher. So when building a website, it is especially important to make it responsive and functional on all devices.

Create video content

Google searches are also performed as voice searches. Thus, keywords and phrases embedded in videos can improve the video itself or the website to be found on Google if the video is embedded on a site. As with site text content design, video design should take into account your target audience and the types of searches they may do. It’s also worth noting that when speaking, key phrases tend to be longer than keywords placed on web pages, because in general, speech is much more relaxed and there may be a difference in sentence formation when talking vs. doing a Google search.

Put the reader first

One SEO trend that is unlikely to ever go away is that when designing content, write the content for a person and not for a search engine. Text should be clearly written and clear should also be the overall layout of the site, as it assures the visitor to stay on the site longer, which Google also appreciates.

Google SMITH algorithm

In short, Google’s SMITH algorithm is able to understand long sets of text compared to the BERT algorithm, which only understands words and short sentences from short sets of text. That is, in the future, SMITH will help Google index better the most relevant search results for the user.


At MeKiwi, creating responsive and search engine-friendly websites is commonplace, so contact us today and let's take a look at your website needs, whether it’s a small update or a complete overhaul. You can contact Jonna here.